7 Exercise Tips to Improve Mental Health When Depressed 

Exercise to Improve Mental Health | Tommy Turner

Working out is not easy when your mental health is compromised. It is a fact that working out enhances our focus and helps us to be better physically. But working out becomes a pill that we can neither swallow nor spit when depression hits us.  

So, How

When you try to hit the gym with impaired mental health, not only does it show you no progress, but also, when you decide to give yourself a break from exercise, it makes you feel even worse. 

If you are battling with depression but is also seeking out motivation for yourself to work out, I will share some tips with you on ‘’how to motivate yourself to work out when depressed?’’ 

7 Exercise Tips to Improve Mental Health Using Workouts That Always Work 

Everyone has their challenges and experiences, body strengths and weaknesses, when it comes to working out.  However, the tips I will disclose can help everyone, but exclusively those facing depression. 

  1. Make Exercise Fun 
Exercise to Improve Mental Health | Tommy Turner

We often assume we are not working out enough till we are hurting. When we have depression triggered, moving our bodies seems the most challenging thing to do. The rush of depressive thoughts makes exercise no less than a burden. 

Moving your body seems like hitting a rock, so why not shake a leg? Yeah, I am not kidding you. Well, let me break it to you: Dance-cum-exercise activity indeed brings joy and alleviates your mood. It dissociates workouts from stress.  

Another idea I’ve up my sleeves is to follow a fitness coach on YouTube that incorporates dance with exercise in their training. This will not only help you be regular while battling depression but also save you money. 

  1. Join Yoga Community 
Exercise to Improve Mental Health | Tommy Turner

Depression has a drastic impact on our day-to-day routine, and it hurts our physical mobility, too. A systematic body of studies shows that yoga is an effective exercise to improve mental health and has a positive impact on treating depression.  

Thus, when working out seems a challenging task due to depression, joining a yoga community can be a great initiative.  

It is advisable to socialize when you feel depressed. The reason is a person has less chance to act upon his self-harmed tendencies, and he feels communal support around him. Joining the  

Yoga community to address your workout challenges while dealing with depression is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Yoga has quite therapeutic value when it comes to treating mental illnesses like depression, and the yoga community provides help no less than a support group. 

Since it’s advisable for those who have depression to work out in a social gathering like a yoga class, there are many chances for them to fall into the pit of comparison. 

If you are struggling with mental health issues and are seeking motivation to work out, don’t compare your progress to some gym rats because it will demotivate you. 

The objective comparison of growth and betterment is when you compare your progress with yourself because everyone has struggles, challenges, blessings, and privileges. Thus, to seek constant motivation to build yourself physically, you must stay out of whitewashed, toxic comparisons. 

  1. Be Kind to Yourself 
Exercise to Improve Mental Health | Tommy Turner

Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of the UK, used to refer to depression as his ‘’Black Dog.” He said that the black dog should not be criticized. The black dog needs encouragement and praise.  

What we can learn from him is that no doubt it’s too hard to be kind when mental health is taking a toll on us. But you should make your small efforts to work out at that moment.  

When you’re depressed, taking the first few steps is the actual job. By ‘being kind to yourself,’ you can work out as easily as possible for yourself. You can be motivated to work out during depressing days if you try to be minimalist. 

So, don’t burden yourself with cliche pre-work-out formalities. If putting on gym attire is hard for you, place them close to you at night, so picking up and getting dressed could never be a problem.  

But, if you feel like it is impossible to do, I got you; you can choose to work out in your PJs or evening dress.  

  1. Start Slow 
Exercise to Improve Mental Health | Tommy Turner

You must have noticed wise men saying,” Slow and steady wins the race”. Try to apply that golden rule in your struggle to seek motivation to hit the gym when you’re depressed. You don’t need to build an exercise routine like a gymholic initially.  

Instead, you need to start a slow and accessible journey that helps you to move out of bed rather than pressuring you for the workout by negative reinforcement. 

Please tell me that instead of doing a Barbell bench press, deadlift, or goblet squats, try to be minimalist and start with the lightest possible exercise available. For instance, go on a park walk near your locality; if not, try to roam in the space available in your sweet home.  

You can do slow bicycling, stretching, or inclined pushups against your kitchen’s slab. Such a light workout will not make you anxious and help regulate your metabolism. 

  1. Prioritize Consistency Over Complexity 

I won’t be surprised if you’re one of those who try to self-sabotage themselves by planning complex workouts or exercise sessions to enhance their productivity.  

Well, in reality, such a complex routine not only demotivates you but also creates problems for you to improve your already existing depression. 

The best exercise routine, as per my study and experience, includes building a routine that is easy enough to follow daily. Your goals should be realistic and tailored to your body’s needs.  

Remember, the key to success is consistency, not complexity. I suggest you get a customized workout plan by considering your fitness level because if you try to copy someone else, you will be at risk of getting injuries. 

You probably have heard the classic masterpiece of Billy Ocean that says, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going’. To break the chain of this ”tough,” I suggest you be consistent with your workout.  

I know it’s easier than said, But you can keep yourself accountable and punctual by mapping your calendar or downloading an app that consistently reminds you of your next move. You can get a workout partner from your support group. This self-accountability will lead you to your destination. 

  1. Always Take Medical Help 

You might be surprised to count my medical help as an option to get motivation to work out when you are depressed.  

But, trust me, this is the most logical, trustworthy, and reliable means to treat your illness and analyze your problem of hindrance to working out. Seeking medical help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength, and it’s a sign that you love yourself.  

Depression has stages, and it’s a silent killer. I do not want to scare you, but some of us have developed the stage of severe depression, and seeking quick medical assistance is the only way to get out of it.  

As per the World Health Organization, severe depression has persistent symptoms like suicidal thoughts, helplessness for the future, excessive guilt, disrupted sleep, continuous lethargy, and poor concentration. If you self-diagnose yourself for any of these symptoms, seek quick medical help. 

Taking medical help to address our problem of depression allows the therapist to acquire a solution to our problem, and it’s the only way to address the root cause of the problem.  

End Note: 

There’s no second opinion that depression issues need to be addressed with all medical protocols. However, the urge to work out while dealing with depression could be destructive if it’s not tackled wisely.  

Our detailed study shows us that‘’ slow and steady wins the race,’’ and it is true while seeking motivation to work out while dealing with depression.  

You get the idea that the line of progress on the graph could never be straight. The ups and downs show that we’re humans, and that’s the beauty of our existence. 

About Tommy Turner:  

Entrepreneur and author Tommy Turner brings over three decades of experience inspiring others through his journey in the piano industry, online marketing, stock trading, and motivational writing.  

For more about Tommy’s journey and work, visit the about page, drop a line on the contact page or leave a comment in the comments section. Check out Tommy’s books

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