Are You Stuck in Life? 7 Ways To Get Yourself Going!

7 Ways To Get Yourself Going | Tommy Turner

There’s no doubt that life can be awesome, but sometimes it feels like you’re on a hamster wheel going nowhere fast. Let’s look at 7 Ways To Get Yourself Going! 

A study by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America found that 26% of adults in the United States experience symptoms of depression each year, and feeling stuck can be a major sign. 

I believe being stuck in life is something everyone has or will experience once in their lifetime, which simply means you’re not alone. 

And yes, there’s a solution to this problem and we’ll be going through 7 ways to get yourself going with this step by step guide. 

But first, why do we even get stuck in the first place? 

Why We Get Stuck Sometimes? 

7 Ways To Get Yourself Going  | Tommy Turner

There’s always a reason for everything under the sun, even being stuck in life.  

So, why do we get stuck in this rut anyway? Well, a few things can happen;  

  • You lost your mojo 

Remember all that fun stuff you used to love doing, like painting or playing that sweet guitar?  Sometimes life gets busy, and we forget the things that make our hearts sing.  When that happens, it’s easy to feel stuck and uninspired. 

  • Goals that freak you out 

Maybe you have this big dream, like starting your bakery or traveling the world.  But those big dreams can feel HUGE, making it hard to even know where to begin.  This can leave you feeling paralyzed and stuck in place. 

  • Life throws a curveball 

Sometimes, life throws us unexpected stuff, like losing a job or having a family issue.  These curveballs can knock us off track and make it hard to focus on moving forward. 

7 Powerful Ways to Get Unstuck 

Now, let’s take a good look a some of the powerful ways to unstuck your life;  

  1. Find Your Fire Again  

You can recall all that awesome stuff you used to love doing, like drawing those cool pictures or maybe playing frisbee with your dog. 

Life can get crazy busy, and sometimes we forget what makes us grin from ear to ear.  

Here’s the thing: those hobbies and activities aren’t just for fun, they can also help you feel pumped and ready to go.  

So, take some time to reconnect with the things that make you happy. Maybe you dig out your old skateboard or join a dance class. Finding your fun again can be the first step to saying goodbye to that rut 

  1. Set Easy Goals You Can Do 

Sometimes those big dreams we have can feel like mountains in the distance – super impressive, but also way too daunting to climb right now.  This can leave us feeling stuck, unsure where to even begin.   

A better way to deal with this is breaking those big dreams down into bite-sized chunks, like mini-goals you can actually accomplish.   

For example, maybe your dream is to run a marathon.  Instead of trying to run 26 miles right away, set a smaller goal, like running a mile this week and gradually increasing the distance each week.   

Reaching these smaller goals will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated to keep moving forward! 

  1. Do Something New 

Feeling stuck can be like listening to the same song on repeat – kinda boring, right?   

Here’s a great way to shake things up and break free from that rut: try something new!  This could be anything from taking a different route to work to trying a new recipe for dinner.   

Even small changes can help spark your creativity and get you feeling more energized.   

Step outside your comfort zone and explore something new. You might just surprise yourself with what you discover! 

  1. Change Your Thoughts 

Our thoughts are powerful things.  If you’re constantly thinking negative thoughts about yourself or your situation, it can be hard to feel motivated to move forward.  But guess what? You have the power to change your thoughts!   

Anytime you start feeling stuck, try to focus on the positive.  What are you grateful for?   

What are some small wins you’ve had recently?  Focusing on the good stuff can help shift your mindset and give you the boost you need to get moving again. 

  1. Get Help From Friends & Family 

One important thing about us humans is that we love communities and relations as it make us thrive.  

This means that you don’t have to go through tough times especially when you’re feeling stuck alone.   

You can start by surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family as it can be a huge help.   

Talk to them about what’s going on and see if they have any ideas or suggestions.  They might be able to offer a fresh perspective or simply lend a listening ear.   

Plus, having a cheerleader in your corner can give you the extra push you need to move forward. 

  1. Celebrate Every Win 

Sometimes we get so focused on the big goal at the end that we forget to celebrate the smaller victories along the way.   

But here’s the catch: reaching those mini-goals is a big deal!  They’re stepping stones that lead you closer to your dreams.   

So, take the time to celebrate every win, no matter how small it may seem.  Did you finally run that extra mile this week? Did you try a new recipe and it turned out delicious?   

Give yourself a high five, do a happy dance, or treat yourself to something you enjoy.  Celebrating your wins will keep you motivated and show you that you’re making progress! 

  1. Be Patient 

We all want instant results, but the truth is, that lasting change takes time and effort.   

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results overnight.  Just keep reminding yourself that you’re moving in the right direction, even if it feels slow.   

Be patient with yourself, celebrate your wins, and focus on making progress each day.   

Before you know it, you’ll look back and realize how far you’ve come!  So, hang in there, keep moving forward, and you’ll eventually reach your goals. 

Final Thoughts 

We go through things in life and sometimes it might seem we are not making any progress in what we are doing at all.  

Just like we’ve seen it is not exclusive to you if you’re going through a similar thing as many others just as you have been stuck and gotten yourself back on track several times.  

Your best bet to getting unstuck is following the steps laid out in this post, and not it is not magic but if followed and done rightly can give you the answer you need.  

Always know that you’re not the first to go through what you’re currently experiencing in life and that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.  

About Tommy Turner:  

Entrepreneur and author Tommy Turner brings over three decades of experience inspiring others through his journey in the piano industry, online marketing, stock trading, and motivational writing.  

For more about Tommy’s journey and work, visit the about page, drop a line on the contact page or leave a comment in the comments section. Check out Tommy’s books

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