How To Motivate A Teenager Who Doesn’t Care?

Motivate A Teenager | Tommy Turner

Teenage is that part of human life where the body undergoes significant physical, mental, and hormonal changes. These life-transformative moments can reshape your “Little ones'” thoughts, causing them to be careless about their future.

The phase is typical for a teenager to experience. However, if the situation remains the same for a couple of weeks, it’s alarming, and as an older one, it’s natural to be worried about their better future. So, if you’ve been struggling to find ways, keep reading to unleash 6 simple yet effective ways to motivate a teenager who doesn’t care.

6 ways to motivate A teenager who doesn’t care

There could be several reasons why your child has lost interest in everything. However, there still are ways you can implement to help them find joy again in their lives, including the following.

1: Give attention to them

Motivate A Teenager | Tommy Turner

Research shows parents’ attention contributes about 14.4% to the child’s success. Teenage is a fragile part where many things happen to the body. It is when your child needs a maximum of your support mentally.

So, observe if the problem is really with your child or if it is with you. Count the hours you spend with your child, talking to them about what’s going on in their life, etc. If these are below 4, you are responsible for their loss.

To repent, spend more and more time with them, doing nothing but communicating and ensuring that a robust support system backs them. Determine and do things in which they had an interest before to awaken the lost attraction they had.

2: Do Not Criticize or compare

We often remind our younger ones about all the disadvantages they might face if they don’t perform well in the exams. This reminder turns into a continuous grumbling. And if the child still fails to meet your expectations, you criticize them for being lazy while comparing them with others.

Remember, criticizing your child or comparing them with fellow students and friends is the worst thing you can do with your teenager. It can cause them to feel looser and alone, resulting in demotivation and carelessness about everything.

If your child has reached this stage, stop criticizing them in the first place. Do not label them lazy or careless; it will do nothing. Instead, start cultivating a positive mindset with phrases such as “I know you tried your best,” “Better luck next time,” and “It doesn’t matter” to help them regain their lost confidence.

3: Take account of their mental state

Motivate A Teenager | Tommy Turner

If your child seems unmotivated and uninterested in everything, observe their behavior. Look for the signs of mental issues such as depression or anxiety. One of the conditions teenagers experience is Anhedonia, which causes a loss of interest and pleasure in all those things they loved doing as a kid or fantasizing about the future.

This condition can lead your child to depression. A common sign to determine if your child is suffering from Anhedonia or not is observing if they remain quiet for hours and hours sitting in the same place without getting bored.

 If you notice any visible signs, it is recommended that you get professional help because no motivational strategy would work for them.

4: Assist them in goal setting

Another effective way to help teenagers gain motivation is by assisting them to set up goals. Goals serve as advance blueprints to set pathways and work hard toward accomplishments. However, it only matters when your child has set up the right goals for himself.

So make sure they set SMART Goals that are

  1. S: Specific to a niche such as education, sports, food, etc.
  2. M: Measurable by the time
  3. A: Attainable through strategies
  4. R: Relevant to their interests and passion
  5. T: Time bounded through the calendar.

5: Reduce their stress

Motivate A Teenager | Tommy Turner

Research done by the American Psychological Association states that 36% of teenagers in the United States feel depressed, tired, and lost due to stress in their lives. Even if your child doesn’t seem stressed or burnt out physically, you never know what is going on in their mind.

The most common type of stress a child experiences is called the Chronic Stress. It is caused by continuous nagging and yelling of the parents at the child. The most prominent results of chronic stress were shown in 2020 when all the parents and kids were 24/7 with each other during a pandemic.

Well-concerned parents push their children so much to Zoom classes or do extra activities to avoid boredom, ultimately resulting in the child feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. So, if you have also been hovering over your children for their betterment, stop doing that. Adopt a more relaxed and patient parenting approach.

6: Strengthen your bond

The most effective way to release stress from your child and motivate them for the future is being their friend. Don’t be shy about showing how much you care for your child. Tell them they can share anything with you without fearing punishment or worrying about being judged.

When doing some, you might also hear about your child’s terrible or worrisome habits. But be prepared for it. Please do not yell or shout, as it will do nothing but worsen the situation. Instead, sit with them like a good friend and discuss all the pros and cons for their mental relaxation.

7: Let them do things on their own

We often do things to ease our children’s lives. However, it can also result in them becoming habitual about everything being served on the plate and losing their motivation to do things independently.

So, instead of doing the things for themselves, show ways to them and provide opportunities. This might include doing homework on their own or buying some of their stuff like books and stationery. It will help your child to realize their responsibilities and become self-dependent.

Final Thoughts

Does your teenager also feel lost and unmotivated? Well, you can do plenty of things for them that we have mentioned above in the content. Hopefully you understand how important it is to motivate a teenager!

This includes giving attention to them, stopping to criticize, helping in goal setting, addressing mental issues, reducing strength, letting them do things independently, and strengthening your mutual bonds.

About Tommy Turner:  

Entrepreneur and author Tommy Turner brings over three decades of experience inspiring others through his journey in the piano industry, online marketing, stock trading, and motivational writing.  

For more about Tommy’s journey and work, visit the about page, drop a line on the contact page or leave a comment in the comments section. Check out Tommy’s books

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