7 Reasons Why People Struggle With Inspiration & Solutions (With Real-Life Examples)

Why People Struggle With Inspiration | Tommy Turner

Ever feel like your brain is on vacation when you need a good idea? Or maybe you’re facing a problem that feels impossible to solve. It happens to the best of us!  

Believe it or not, a study by the University of Chicago found that most people (7 out of 10 workers!) experience feeling stuck and uninspired at least once a month.

There are many reason why people struggle with inspiration, but that can end now with a little knowledge!

This feeling of being creatively blocked isn’t limited to just work, it can happen anytime we face a challenge.  

That’s why in this post, we’ll be going over why inspiration and solutions can feel so out of reach, using real-life examples to show you’re not alone. We’ll also provide some practical tips to help you overcome these struggles.  

Let’s begin 

Why Do People Struggle With Inspiration? 

Why People Struggle With Inspiration | Tommy Turner

So why do people even struggle with inspiration in the first place? Below are the reasons why;  

  1. The Burnout Barrier 

Imagine standing on the edge of a diving board, looking down at the water below. The fear of hitting the surface hard keeps you frozen in place. That’s what fear of failure feels like—paralyzing and daunting. 

Here’s a Real-life Example: John has a dream of starting his own business, but the fear of failing holds him back. He worries about what others will think if his business doesn’t succeed. So, instead of taking the plunge, he stays in his comfort zone, working a job he’s not passionate about. 

How to Overcome It: Just like learning to swim, overcoming the fear of failure takes practice and courage. John starts by reframing failure as a learning opportunity. He studies successful entrepreneurs who faced setbacks but persevered. With each small step he takes towards his business idea, John learns that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success. 

  1. Fear of Failure 

Sadly, the fear of failure is another cause why people struggle with inspiration. Imagine standing on the edge of a diving board, looking down at the water below.  

The fear of hitting the surface hard keeps you frozen in place. That’s what fear of failure feels like—paralyzing and daunting. 

Real-life Example: Joe has a dream of starting his own business, but the fear of failing holds him back. He worries about what others will think if his business doesn’t succeed. So, instead of taking the plunge, he stays in his comfort zone, working a job he’s not passionate about. 

How to Overcome It: Just like learning to swim, overcoming the fear of failure takes practice and courage. Joe starts by reframing failure as a learning opportunity. He studies successful entrepreneurs who faced setbacks but persevered. With each small step he takes towards his business idea, Joe learns that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success. 

  1. Stuck in a Rut 

Being stuck in a rut looks like walking along a path surrounded by tall walls on either side. You’ve been on this path for so long that you can’t remember what lies beyond those walls.  

Here’s a Real-life Example: Alex has been working in the same job for years, doing the same tasks day in and day out. While he used to feel passionate about his work, now it feels like he’s just going through the motions. He longs for something new and exciting but doesn’t know how to break free from his routine. 

How to Overcome It: Breaking out of a rut requires stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying new things. Alex decides to explore different hobbies and interests outside of work.  

He takes up painting, joins a hiking group, and even tries his hand at cooking classes. These new experiences not only reignite his passion for life but also inspire fresh ideas and perspectives in his work. 

  1. Distraction Overload 

Trying to read a book in a room filled with loud-sounding music is nearly impossible because it reduces your ability to concentrate on the words on the page considering the so many distractions vying for your attention.  

That’s what living in a world of distraction overload feels like—constantly bombarded with stimuli that pull you away from your focus. 

Here’s a Real-life Example: Mark is a college student trying to study for his exams, but he finds himself constantly checking his phone for notifications and scrolling through social media feeds. Every time he tries to concentrate, a new notification pulls him away from his work, making it difficult to retain any information. 

How to Overcome It: Creating a distraction-free environment is key to regaining focus. Mark sets aside specific times to check his phone and limits his social media usage during study sessions.  

He also uses productivity apps that block distracting websites and set timers to work in short bursts with scheduled breaks in between. 

  1. Comparison Trap 

Imagine walking through a garden filled with beautiful flowers, but instead of admiring their beauty, you find yourself constantly comparing them to each other. That’s what falling into the comparison trap feels like—diminishing your own worth by measuring yourself against others. 

Real-life Example: Sarah is a budding artist who loves to paint, but whenever she scrolls through social media and sees other artists’ work, she can’t help but feel inadequate.  

She compares her paintings to theirs, focusing on what she perceives as her shortcomings rather than celebrating her unique style and creativity. 

How to Overcome It: Recognizing that everyone’s journey is different is the first step in breaking free from the comparison trap. Many of the reason why people struggle with inspiration is simply because they they compare their success against others, but that is not a good comparison.

Sarah starts by unfollowing accounts that trigger feelings of inadequacy and instead follows artists who inspire and uplift her. She also focuses on honing her craft and expressing herself authentically, rather than trying to emulate others. 

  1. Unrealistic Expectations 

Attempting to climb a mountain without any training or equipment, expecting to reach the summit effortlessly, mirrors the feeling of having unrealistic expectations—setting oneself up for disappointment by aiming for goals that are beyond reach. 

A practical scenario: Jessica, a recent college graduate, dreams of landing her dream job immediately after school. She expects to ascend the corporate ladder swiftly, achieving success without investing the time and effort needed to gain experience and develop her skills. 

How to Overcome It: Jessica learns to set more realistic expectations by understanding that success takes time and hard work. Instead of striving for immediate perfection, she focuses on continuous learning and growth. Jessica starts by gaining practical experience through internships and entry-level positions, recognizing that each step she takes is a valuable part of her journey toward her ultimate career goals. 

  1. Neglecting Your Wellspring 

Consider a garden filled with vibrant flowers, left forgotten and unattended. Over time, without care, the flowers wilt, and the garden loses its beauty. Similarly, neglecting your wellsprings—sources of inspiration and creativity—can lead to stagnation and a loss of passion. 

A practical scenario: Emily used to love writing poetry, but as the demands of her job and family life increased, she found herself with less time and energy to devote to her passion. She pushed aside her poetry notebooks, thinking she would get back to them someday, but that day never came. 

How to Overcome It: Emily realizes the importance of making time for her creative pursuits, even amidst her busy schedule.  

She sets aside dedicated time each week to write poetry, whether it’s early in the morning before everyone wakes up or late at night after the kids are asleep. By prioritizing her passion for writing,  

Emily rekindles her inspiration and finds joy in expressing herself through poetry once again. 

Final Thoughts 

So far we’ve been able to come to the fact as to why people struggle with inspiration and its effects on their day-to-day lives.  

Things like setting unclear or too ambiguous goals, unrealistic expectations, falling into the comparison trap, etc can make you feel uninspired.  

However, just as we’ve also seen, there are solutions to each of these causes as discussed in the content above.  

The most important thing here is to know what works best for you and take advantage of it to get unstuck and get back on track.  

About Tommy Turner:  

Entrepreneur and author Tommy Turner brings over three decades of experience inspiring others through his journey in the piano industry, online marketing, stock trading, and motivational writing.  

For more about Tommy’s journey and work, visit the about page, drop a line on the contact page or leave a comment in the comments section. Check out Tommy’s books

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